Who We Are

Our Story

Pristine Water Solutions was founded with the coming together of family. A father, a son, and a son-in-law joined forces to start a business with a single purpose: to improve lives.

Every time co-founder Bill Marr visited his friends in St. Louis, MO, he would come home raving about the incredible quality of their water. As he prepared to build his own home, he reached out to his friend for the provider of his quality water. Upon learning the nearest source of Hague Water products was over 500 km away, the idea for a business was born.

Appointed the exclusive dealer for Hague Water products in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, the three co-founders and co-owners have immersed themselves in the water industry. Partnering with a manufacturer of outstanding products with over 60 years experience has been invaluable in launching what has become their true passion. The addition of Hydrotech products, a 50-year old water equipment manufacturer based in Regina, allows us to offer solutions to any water problem, residential or commercial.

What We Do

We test your water—and it tells us what needs to be done.

Not all water is the same. Water pumped from the wells of next-door neighbours can have completely different profiles. Town and city water can vary based on its sources and characteristics of individual homes.

Before it can be improved, water needs to be tested. At its source in real time.

With test results in hand, we’ll discuss how your water is affecting your family, your health, and your home.

Then we’ll offer solutions to achieving pristine water. Solutions backed by Hague Quality Water and Hydrotech equipment and their 60- and 50-year histories of treating water.

Who We Serve

We serve anyone who uses water on a regular basis. That would be you!

Pour a glass of water from your tap. Is it clear? Odourless? Is it truly pristine?

Chances are it may seem so, but it is not.

In Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, we are incredibly fortunate. We have an abundance of water. Tens of thousands of lakes. Massive amounts of groundwater and subterranean aquafers.

While we are blessed with this abundance of water, we also have some of the hardest water on the planet. Other trace elements make it into our water during its journey from rain and snow to a lake or an underground stream. Elements that can impact your health and your home.

If you are serviced by a municipal water system, chemicals are added to kill dangerous bacteria. Desirable for sure. But only until it reaches your doorstep. Eliminating those chemicals and softening what is often hard municipal water is both desirable and beneficial.

Pristine Water Solutions is here to help. To provide solutions to give you pristine water. Every day. For life.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to improve lives by providing long-term solutions that ensure top quality water.

We Believe

Great water can improve the quality of life for you and your family. Better skin. Silkier hair. Less housecleaning. Better health.

Quality water treatment will become your most trusted appliance. You use water every day: drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, washing, flushing. Silently working in the background delivering great water 24/7.

Quality water will protect what to many is your single most expensive asset: your home. Safeguard your water-based appliances. Keep your plumbing clear. Keep your water fixtures clean and shiny.

You’ll save money on detergents, soaps, cleaning products, hot water usage—even on clothing and linens. Stop the premature replacement of your hot water tank, dishwasher, washing machine, and other water-based appliances.

Plastic water bottles are bad for the planet. And they’re a pain: hauling them from store to car to home to recycling bin. Kick them to the curb. Enjoy clean, delicious water right from your own tap at a fraction of the cost.

You don’t need to live with problem water. Iron. Chlorine. Fluoride. Manganese. Bad smells. Banish them with quality water treatment.

Our Values

These core values embody who we are and inspire us to do the right thing. Every time. These will guide us through our decisions we make today, tomorrow, and through the life of Pristine Water.


Create solutions where the company wins, the customer wins, and the community wins.

Continuous Education

Learn and teach every day. About water and its many complexities

Make an Impact

Create authentic relationships every day. Leave people better than you found them.

Create Results that Matter

Achieve noticeable and measurable changes with every solution.