Commercial Water Treatment Products

Pristine Water Solutions works with Canature WaterGroup and its team of dedicated professional engineers with decades of commercial water treatment experience. We can work across many industries that rely on water in their processes. We will work with you in designing and building efficient, cost saving solutions using high quality commercial water treatment products:

Commercial Water Softener Systems

Industry leading softener systems designed for a wide range of local water and individual customer needs.
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Commercial Water Softener Systems

Commercial Water Filter Systems

Protect your plumbing from bad taste and odour caused by chlorine and other chemicals or minerals.
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Water Filter Systems

Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems

Better, safer drinking water right at your tap. Reverse Osmosis systems provide the most convenient and economical solution to improving the quality of drinking water for your home or business.
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Reverse Osmosis Systems

Commercial Ultraviolet Systems

UV technology is proven to control microbiological (bacteria & virus) issues in water including E.Coli, Chryptosporidium, and Giardia Lamblia without the use of chemicals.
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Blackcomb Series UV Filtration

Responsive Flow Multi-Tank Systems (MTS)

Our team of engineers has developed a different approach to conditioning water for commercial applications that produces consistently high quality softened and filtered water with no hard water slippage.
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Responsive Flow MTS

Commercial Components

Critical to the efficient operation of commercial water treatment products are the oft-overlooked components. We all know a chain is as strong as its weakest link. It’s critical all facets of a commercial installation are of top quality. That includes control valves, media & brine tanks, media, diaphragm valves, and RO membranes. All Canature component parts are made to last and perform in the most demanding of commercial applications.
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Commercial Components