Pristine Water Solutions: New CWQA Member
This article appears in the November 2021 Canadian Water Quality Association newsletter, introducing Pristine Water Solutions as one of the newest members of the CWQA.
One of the newest members of the Canadian Water Quality Association family is a true family operation. Pristine Water Solutions was conceived by Bill Marr. It was developed by his family: Sebastian (son), and David and Mason (sons-in-law). Officially incorporated in April 2021 and opening in July 2021, the business operates in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.

Pristine Water Solutions Team
Bill grew up and worked many years in his family wholesale distribution business. Owning and running a family business is something he loves. He sees the value of having a strong family bond which ultimately creates a strong business.
The recent purchase of rural property in Manitoba came with water quality issues. Therefore, it was a call to friends in the US who had what he considered ‘pristine’ water. They suggested the Hague brand of water treatment equipment. In researching where he could buy it, the nearest supplier was more than 500 km away.
A lightbulb went on immediately. Thus, was born the concept of starting, developing, and building a family water treatment business in Manitoba.
Hague Quality Water Dealer
Hague Quality Water is the longest standing water treatment manufacturer in the United States. They are international with headquarters in USA. Its flagship product, WaterMax®, is the world’s most comprehensive, most efficient home water treatment system on the market today. The goal is to deliver the most durable and effective water treatment systems on the market. Its obsession is giving customers the softest, cleanest water, every time. This resonated with Bill and family. As a result, they have built their water treatment business to improve peoples lives with quality water.
Pristine Water Solutions operates predominately within a 100 km radius of Winnipeg. But they don’t shy away from tackling water issues farther afield. The main focus is on residential applications and rural water issues. Their first challenge was nasty bacteria and iron. Their suppliers, Hague and Luminor, assisted them in the application. Customers Jenn and Kevin are extremely happy and now feel safe drinking their well water.
Why the CWQA
When asked why they joined the CWQA, it was a simple answer for Bill. Through his family business, he joined many trade associations, such as the National Marine Distributors Association. Because of his love of soccer, he served on several boards relating to the sport. He knows the importance of networking, gaining industry knowledge, and how it helps to build credibility in the industry.
We always want to know what CWQA can do to help its members. Bill is excited about having the CWQA Education Consultant mentor and guide his team. They are excited about CWQA webinars and the new education opportunities in development.
The biggest challenge they face is not starting a business during a pandemic. It is developing brand recognition and trust with consumers. Using testimonials will be key in building that brand and loyalty. The easiest part to his business is knowing and trusting his business partners. Having a strong family unit with similar values goes a long way to success.
The long-term plan is to build brand, build trust, and build integrity. All while offering excellent family values and ethics to every job they do. They are serious about education, obtaining it through the CWQA and other partners. Then, it’s passing it along to consumers to help improve lives through excellent quality water.